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Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Mass Effect 3 Diary – An Almost Perfect Example of a Role Playing Shooter

Level up Shepard's powers like in a RPG
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I’ve praised Mass Effect 3 for its sharp character interactions in previous entries throughout this Gamer Diaries series, but it’s more than worth mentioning that traditional gameplay is still top notch, offering an almost perfect example of the new hybrid role playing shooter genre.

Back in the old days, shooters and RPGs were two very different beasts. The former, whether they were first or third person, delivered simple experiences, while the latter focused on a more meticulous one requiring lots of time and skill.

As we saw in recent years, the lines between the two genres are blurring more and more, with quite a few games delivering shooter experiences with a lot of RPG mechanics.

Such is the case with Mass Effect 3, that blends together the distinct RPG feel of the first game in the series with the sharp shooter mechanics from the second one.

The result is a great mix between the genres that should satisfy lots of people.

On one hand, the game is a top-notch third person, cover-based shooter that can easily go toe-to-toe with other examples in the genre, like Gears of War. Shooting feels great, as do the actual weapons, while cover mechanics change depending on what you choose to hide behind in order to avoid enemy fire.

On the other hand, it still features quite a few role playing mechanics, which range from the actual customization and leveling up of your powers, to the different modifications for your weapons or the various components you can strap onto your armor.

With titles like Mass Effect 3, as well as other successful games like Deus Ex: Human Revolution or the new Fallout ones, it’s safe to say that role playing shooter hybrids are here to stay.

What did you think about the clever mix of the two genres in Mass Effect 3? Share your thoughts in a comment below.

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